Takuan Amaru

AfroAsiatic Perspectives 25: Why Ban Hidden Colors?

AfroAsiatic Perspectives 25: Why Ban Hidden Colors?

The anticipated fifth and final installment of the internationally acclaimed documentary-series, Hidden Colorshas been met by standing-room-only crowds in both NYC and Atlanta. Following a showing in Manhattan, in which the film’s producer/director, Tariq Nasheed, personally attended, he made his way to J.F.K. Airport to catch a flight to London for is debut in Britain, which was scheduled a few days later. However, after checking-in, Mr. Nasheed was approached by airport officials and told he would not be permitted to board the plane due to a ban which was placed on him in the U.K. The only official statement released by the U.K. government is that a visit by Mr. Nasheed would not be “conducive to the good of the public.”

Free-Speech in the UK?

Article 10 of the Human Rights Act of 1998 declares that everyone in the UK has the right to freedom of expression; however this statute “may be subject to formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society.”


Some of the exceptions which necessitate revoking this right include “threatening or abusive words,” and “behavior intending or likely to cause harassment, alarm, distress, or cause a breach of the peace.” When officials in the U.K. eventually go on the record concerning his ban, it’s likely these are some of the scapegoat phrases which will be unloaded—this, despite the fact that prior to the ban nothing negative was reported. If there were no incidents being reported why would he (or the documentary) be banned?

Keeping it 100%

In spite of Mr. Nasheed not being allowed to attend the viewing, initially, no restrictions were placed on the movie, itself. So, for what reason did UK officials decide to cancel the viewing later ? Tariq uses terms like “went for the jugular” to describe how hard the speakers in the documentary blast white supremacy; he also claims they criticized the royal family rather harshly. Understanding this, plus the fact the ban came down minutes after the NYC viewing had ended, Tariq theorized—on video—that London had its agents at the theater report back to headquarters. The agents, seeing Mr. Nasheed in attendance, figured banning him would also prevent the documentary from being transported to London, which would then result in the movie being canceled in the U.K. And most importantly, by using such indirect, backhanded tactics—almost cowardly if you think about it—they would avoid any responsibility for the cancellation. Taking all of this into account, let’s ponder for a minute on what might have happened if trains and carloads of melanin-rich people from Brixton, Birmingham, and Manchester had shown up in London only to find out the movie had been canceled?


And not only that but, in addition, the reason was because Nasheed, himself, had failed to deliver it. Well, I’m sure anyone who knows black people realizes in a best-case-scenario Tariq’s reputation would have taken a severe hit; but in a worst-case-scenario there might have been arrests, violence, even a riot—all of which would have discredited Tariq Nasheed. Many people—even some blacks—claim the system of racism/white supremacy is either a convention of the past, or has improved to such a degree it is no longer significant. For any of this to be true, Nasheed’s theory would have to be totally inaccurate because in it we can clearly see the fundamental tenets of COINTELPRO: Surveillance, Infiltration, Discrediting, and Disrupting

Fear of Black Empowerment

Emotions ranging from sheer disappointment to outright anger took center-stage once the cancellation of Hidden Colors 5 was announced. Many expressed how the government was overstepping their bounds. At first, the sentiment being echoed was, “That’s not right…they should show the movie!” Nonetheless, shortly thereafter this wave of emotion picked up steam and sooner than later the feeling had escalated to: “They better show that movie—or else!


With all this anger now focused on the U.K. government instead of Tariq Nasheed, what do you think the officials of Great Britain—of the mighty British Empire—decided? Exactly. They did what the ruling class has always done whenever the masses of People have figured out any of their nefarious schemes and, as a result, united to confront them. They capitulated. The statement released via the internet in the aftermath of Mr. Nasheed’s ban read as follows: “The event will still take place at Millennium Point Auditorium on Sunday 4th August, 2019. It has not been cancelled but Tariq Nasheed will not be at the event. Professor Kaba Hiawatha Kamene is right here in Birmingham now.”

When we make movies that portray us as slaves, maids, and butlers they give us all types of awards but when it comes to black empowermentbanned!

~Tariq Nasheed

The Bottom Line

On Amazon, Hidden Colors 5 is currently the top-ranked documentary (and #5 in all movies). “We’re about to be among the Harry Potter’s and Fast and Furious….we’re about to out-sell them.” According to Nasheed, this ban is just one of the “costs of the game (of black empowerment).” He points out the hypocrisy spewed by the mainstream when they talk about “pulling yourself up by your bootstraps,” claiming that “whenever we succeed without the help of the dominant society, that scares them…this is what’s not conducive to the good of the public!”

“Don’t let them tell you (that) you can’t watch something that’s going to empower you!” 

Nasheed emphasizes how the dominant society is desperate to prevent blacks from getting this information. “I haven’t done anything illegal. No hate-speechnothing! They don’t have a legitimate reason to ban me or the movie…they’re still trying to figure out something to say.” In the end, he urges the U.K. officials to just come clean and admit what we all know is the truth: “you’re just trying to protect (the system of) white supremacy.”


If you check out the documentary, please let me know what you think…


Takuan Amaru is the author of the trilogy, Gaikokujin – The Story.

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