Takuan Amaru

AfroAsiatic Perspectives15: Defining the 3 Types of Humans

AfroAsiatic Perspectives15: Defining the 3 Types of Humans

Maybe not, but there may be 3 distinctive human types

Molecular anthropologists are often asked if DNA, bone marrow, or other markers can tell what “race” you are. Although some scientists claim there are a few distinguishing marks on our genes, most seem to agree the short answer is “no.” Or, that the differences are so subtle, this cannot be seen as an exact science.

So, does that mean all people are the same?

On the surface, this seems to contradict common sense. How then, do we explain the “soul” in Black Music? Can you imagine Blacks or Latinos not dancing? It’s an ingrained part of our culture…it frees us from the “mundaneness” of the world. Likewise, can you imagine seeing large groups of Asians or Caucasians on the dance floor really feeling the groove without the direct influence of Blacks (and not drunk)? Whenever I ask about this, many are quick to point at Eminem, Bruce Lee…or even Elvis. Even if these three qualify as “having soul,” can we say they reflect the majority of people.

Let’s go deeper, how do we explain the smiling spectators at public lynchings posing next to the murdered corpse? lynchIt’s one thing to want to see justice done if a criminal is executed…but to watch it like a spectator event while eating lunch? And let’s not forget, these men and women were innocent of any crime. You should have seen the looks on my Japanese student’s faces when I revealed the derivation of “picnic” is “pick-a-nigger.” Forget baseball, this was America’s favorite pastime on the weekends. Some will say, “Oh, that was such a long time ago…that’s irrelevant now.” In that case, how do we explain cops who shoot down black people in cold blood? copOr, beat up women to the point they cannot be recognized by their own family members?

No, there is obviously some sort of disconnection in certain groups of people that many know exist but do not want to admit. This article is attempting to explain the unexplainable solely for the reason that it needs to be defined within the lexicon of the English language.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad summed his explanation up with a simple sentence: “The white man is the devil!” I’ve recently heard Professor Griff, on his blogtalk radio show NME Mindz concur with this. In his own words: “Yes, all white people are devils,” he calmly stated. If you watch the news and see the atrocities being committed around the world against non-white people, it is easy to agree with his assessment. However, I learned in school that if the word “all” or “none” appears in a True / False test, the answer is false 99% of the time. The reason for this is simple. It only requires one exception to make it untrue.

So who is this one exception? If you know one living white person who qualifies, please comment at the bottom of this article. Surely, it could not be one of these so-called “liberals” who basically espouse a more flexible version of the same old white supremacy. For me, the one exception is John Brown. Even the venerable, Harriet Tubman, had nothing but praise for him at the time of his execution. But damn! Do we have to go back over a century to find a Caucasian who does not qualify as a white supremacist?

On the flip-side, I recently met a guy from Nigeria at a party. He is married to a friend of mine who is also Nigerian. A very handsome and intelligent brother, he is a grad-student studying for his PhD in Japan. Because I know his wife loves to dance, after a few minutes of talking with them, I decided to leave them so she and he could take to the dance floor…especially because I saw the young lady tapping her foot to the song the deejay put on. An hour later, I returned to the same area only to find them still seated. When I asked if they had danced, the young lady said “No” in a brooding, somewhat complaining tone. “I can’t dance,” the young man said. “I’ve never danced in my life.”

What does the inability to dance and being a cold-blooded murderer have in common?

I believe it has something to do with the magical substance known as “Melanin.” I am not concerned with the melanocytes in the skin, but rather, the neuro-melanin which is contained in the nervous system. Scientists have confirmed that melanin exists in all living things. However many people may lack the hardware, so to speak, to process it through the pineal gland. These people are said to have a ‘calcified’ pineal gland. Dr. Wayne Chandler, in his book, Ancient Future, describes melanin as “the body’s organic receiver.” Many spiritual systems claim the ability to interact with neuro-melanin is equivalent to one’s level of spiritual development. Hence, for those lacking a healthy pineal gland, this may explain their “disconnection” from the universe. In the cases mentioned above, in the form of sound vibrations in the music…or even hating other people based on something as shallow as the color of their skin.

In my life, I’ve had the pleasure to meet many decent people; some of them were Black, some of them were Asian…and yes, some of them were Caucasian. differentWriting my life-story made me confront this issue head-on. Since I cannot fully concur with any notions (in today’s world) of a race being either inherently good or evil, my mind-computer sought out a way to explain it. Therefore, I use “Melanin-Rich,” “Melanin-Challenged,” and lastly, “Melanin-Deficient” to satisfy the left hemisphere of my brain. While the first and third terms have been explained, Melanin Challenged is slotted in between the two. It can refer to those who have made a conscious effort to behave like the western man, turning away from their own culture probably due to having some self-hatred issues.

I’m sure many people will not agree or accept this theory…and that’s okay. But to those skeptics, I have a few questions: How do you explain the inhuman grins at the lynchings? Or, the inability to process sound vibrations to the point of dancing off-beat?

Lastly, can YOU dance?


This AfroAsiatic Perspective is part of a series to introduce the novel, GAIKOKUJIN: The Story of Race, Redemption, and the Quest for Christ Consciousness.

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