Takuan Amaru

AfroAsiatic Perspectives#4: Appreciation and Acknowledgement is Du

AfroAsiatic Perspectives#4: Appreciation and Acknowledgement is Du

To all that have participated and supported the first 3-editions of AfroAsiatic Perspectives:

Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart!

The amount of traffic and feedback from readers that I have received to this point has far exceeded my expectations and, believe me, I have pretty high standards!

More than just being a very positive indication that this type of information is necessary at this time, it also indicates that this kind of “round-table” discussion attempting to bring balance to the over-saturation of the mainstream media is needed and appreciated.

Aside from being published on three websites, the AfroA series is circulated as a newsletter to subscribers, posted as a blog and can also be accessed through the AfroAsiatic website.

Many of you have also taken the time to email me some very insightful comments.  In order to properly reply to some of these required that I actually go “into the lab” for additional research.

To those of you who took the time to include additional information / links to references:

A big, special thanks goes out because you are the people who are adding the fuel to this fire of higher learning. You represent the precise image that was given when this frequency was accessed .

This image is that of the tireless scholar.

AfroAsiatic is on a mission to align with the power in the universe. Some refer to this energy as Maat, Ascension, Nehast, or Nirvana.

This can only occur if we are courageous enough to go within to gain a true understanding of who we are.  This can only be accomplished if we access the knowledge that has been left to us by our ancestors.  After meditating on our findings, we use them to challenge today’s accepted standards:

The status-quo and western science.

In this endeavour, I do not claim to be the master; this is why everyone’s contribution is necessary and appreciated.

It is vital to stress that everyone is welcome.

Feedback and Responses

The overwhelming majority of the feedback has been very supportive, informative and enlightening. Since this forum is not about any one person assuming a “teacher’s role” (western, so-called education), everyone has the opportunity to share information so please keep it coming.

In ancient times, teachers and students would oftentimes sit in a circular pattern (as opposed to in rows with the “teacher” in front) so as to ensure that each individual felt a responsibility to both teach and learn.

Many people may not be aware that the word, “education”, is derived from the Latin root, “educare”, which means to “draw out from within”. So you see, all information which includes “higher knowledge” is already contained within us.

It really is all about YOU!

That said, the million-dollar question of the milennium is: “how do we access this innate, elemental knowledge?”

The “True Revolutionaries”

Black Panther The Revolutionary Art Of Emory Douglas, Takuan Amaru

To all who have replied indicating that they are ready to kick off a bloody battle now…

I have nothing but respect for you assuming that your intentions are honourable AND you truly believe, after intense research, that all other attempts for reconciliation are fruitless. Have no doubt that AfroAsiatic Perspectives is about representing the viewpoints of all melanin-rich people. So yes, of course, this definitely must include “militant” views as well.

But the story does not start nor end there.

One very passionate comment I received suggested that it is my duty “to ask thought provoking questions to inspire actions that will lead to revolution”.

Let me first say that this was one of the most inspiring exchanges with a reader that I have ever taken part in. I really enjoyed “chopping it up” with this very enlightened queen.

Okay, I agree to an extent…  Meaning, all writers should feel the responsibility to pose “thought provoking questions” to readers.  However, I feel this extends to all readers, regardless of ethnicity (yes, including Europeans). This will lead to a revolution of the mind.”

In response to the question: “Do I promote violent, bloody revolution?”

Well, many of our greatest s/heroes like Harriet Tubman, Malcolm X, Huey P. Newton, and Frantz Fanon have either suggested or boldly proclaimed that there is no other form of revolution. My personal opinion is that there are few things more violent than a person going inside of her own mind and stripping away all of the faulty conditioning and mis-information that has polluted her thought process since birth. Many times this includes discarding family customs and ethics which can easily result in a true seeker of knowledge becoming ostracized from their own community or family.


I will not attempt to evade the intended question with a vague, politically correct response.

The answer is “No”.

At this time, I do not think that initiating violence is the answer (self -defense is an entirely different issue). It seems more likely that any such attempt under the present circumstances would only result in many lives being wasted with no real gains being achieved. We don’t need any more melanin-rich folks being placed on a “terrorist lists” just to receive more SB 1070 “benefits” than already exist.

AfroA Perspectives is not a fringe group blog. This forum is about promoting higher knowledge that has been suppressed / hidden for political reasons.

We understand that it is only a matter of time for the majority of the people to come together and realize that what we share in common far outweighs our small, petty differences.  Once that occurs, we can begin to work on a foundation of mutual respect.

This is the Next Level.

Comments by Westerners:


2ofakind, Takuan Amaru



Almost half of the responses received were from people of European descent or folks who held an orthodox, western mind-set.

Again, all input and comments are welcome.

However, I would like to reiterate some of the precepts laid down in the overview of the AfroAsiatic Perspectives Invitation.

AfroAsiatic Perspectives is just that:  a viewpoint that is NOT western in origin.

Therefore, white audiences should come to the forum EXPECTING to hear something new or something that they don’t agree with (at least initially).

If this information is not new or controversial to westerners, chances are this would mean this is not an “AfroAsiatic” perspective, but rather, a “western” perspective. In that case, perhaps a more appropriate title would be, “European Perspectives”.

If, by chance, you are seeking a European male’s viewpoint (i.e. mainstream news), as pointed out in the overview, this can easily be found at 95% plus of the news media outlets, such as BBC, CNN, FOX, ABC, TNT, etc.

A very interesting but troubling trend amongst the comments by westerners so far is that there seems to be an aversion to watching a video by a white person who denounces racism / white supremacy.

Of the many comments received from the main stream crowd, more than 90% indicated that they did not watch the videos attached even after it was specifically mentioned to them in reply emails / blogs that the video highlighted the main points in the article.

Put another way, sadly, only received two responses were received from whites who showed that they respected the forum enough to ensure that they, themselves, were informed before writing very uninformed comments.

Allow me to also add the fact that both of these individuals disagreed with me on some points…  But, they could explain “why” using documented facts and intellect…as opposed to using the phrase “I think” 10 times in one paragraph.

So, it’s not about being in agreement with the views expressed in the newsletter or winning a debate.

It is all about Knowledge.

Excuses for not viewing the videos ranged from “having to walk the dog” to “being too busy” to (this was the best one) having “a hearing loss on high frequencies”.

Let’s  Clear the Air


Lets Clear The Air, Takuan Amaru


This is not about favours or foolishness .  We are not trying to become popular in the mainstream and command a large following.  This is a forum for concerned global citizens to come together peacefully to discuss real solutions to our common condition.

In order to achieve this pious goal, we must all become more informed.

Again, thank you for all the support and active participation. In closing, here is highlight of the 3 most important points:

1. EVERYONE is welcome to participate.

2. Everyone is encouraged to make INFORMED, respectful comments expressing profound thoughts.

3. This can’t be over-emphasized.  This is uttered in all fairness and respect:

The name of the forum is “AfroAsiatic Perspectives”. A person who does not consider himself to be of  “AfroAsiatic” origin shouldn’t even be interested in leading this forum anywhere.

But everyone is more than welcome to come along for the ride. Stay tuned for the 5th Edition of AfroA Perspectives…peace!

NOTE: All supplemental videos referenced in the article can be accessed thru one of my writer’s pages
