Takuan Amaru

AfroA Perspectives 27: Why so Forgiving?

AfroA Perspectives 27: Why so Forgiving?

“The death of Black citizens by white officers has reached critical mass”

           ~The National Black Police Association

A few weeks ago, a Texas jury sentenced a white police officer, Amber Guyger, to 10 years in prison for the murder of Botham Jean—an innocent black man. This, in spite of prosecuting attorneys having petitioned for a minimum sentence of 28 years. “Only 10 years (4 -5 on probation) for killing a man who was sitting on the couch in his own house eating ice cream?” This was the opinion of many following the announcement. Even more stunning than the leniency of the sentence were certain events which occurred in the aftermath. The obvious surprise was the Impact Statement given by the victim’s younger brother, Brandt, which contained phrases like I love you” and”I don’t even want you to go to jail. I want the best for you, because I know that’s exactly what Botham would want ” To say his statement made an impact is an understatement. And just when you were certain your mind couldn’t be blown any further Brandt Jean then requested permission from the judge to give his brother’s killer a hug. Unbelievable.

I have no idea of the level of anguish that Brandt Jean, who is still a teenager, is experiencing trying to cope with the loss of his elder brother. For this reason, I will respectfully refrain from commenting on his hug or speech. I will say, however, that following Brandt’s tear-jerking performance, there were actions taken by Judge Tammy Kemp which raised an eyebrow and therefore are worthy of scrutiny. Why did she hug Amber Guyger? The victim’s brother was showing his forgiveness; okay, I get that. But what about the judge? She didn’t have anything to forgive. As the series of events unfolded, I could not help but feel as though the judge was determined to not be outperformed on her own stage. This is what inspired her to go above and beyond the call of duty to not only imitate the youth’s hug but, in order to separate her deeds even more, she went back to her quarters to retrieve a gift. A gift…for the convict!

The Consequences

Now, we could go on and on about Thomas Jefferson’s letter in 1801 to the Danbury Baptists about building “a wall of separation between Church and State,” or even how Lee Merritt (attorney) and Judge Kemp collaborated with an ex-cop to violate the First Amendment to the Constitution. Nonetheless, perhaps the most significant consequence of a judge bestowing gifts and hugs to a murderer is what naturally manifests in any society whenever law, order, and justice are not prioritized: corruption, victimization, and injustice. Tariq Nasheed, the producer of the Hidden Colors series, warned of the ramifications for such “coonery in court.” In his words: “Police and other ‘Race-Soldiers’ now know they
 have a green-light…that means there’s a target on the backs of blacks.”

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 Tariq’s words proved to be prophetic when two more high-profile shootings were reported in the same area directly after the sentencing. Moreover, less than two weeks later, another black person in the Dallas-Fort Worth area was murdered by yet another white police officer. Once again the victim was at home minding her business and, once again, the race-soldier killed her in cold-blood. Atatiana Jefferson was guilty of nothing more than playing video games (while being black) with her nephew when she was shot at by police through a window.

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Although Fort Worth Police Chief, Ed Kraus, stated the murderer, Officer Aaron Dean, had “absolutely no excuse,” one has to wonder what kind of bells, whistles, and gifts will be showered upon this officerespecially with the “Season to be Jolly” being right around the corner.

According to Dr. Claud Anderson, a code of etiquette exists within the system of racism/white supremacy which prohibits blacks in government positions from holding whites accountable for transgressions. This suggests that black officials are prone to cowardice because the fear of losing their position is stronger than any impulse they might have to uphold justiceeven when it comes to their own people. Is this what Ebony K. Williams, co-hostess of the talk show State of the Culture, was hinting at by proposing that Judge Kemp (and others like her) may be suffering from the Stockholm Syndrome? This is interesting considering the coping mechanism for this psychological disorder is a positive emotional bond between perpetrator and victim; this has been described as a “defense mechanism of the ego under stress.” After 500 years of being the victims of slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK, the FBI, etc., is it really possible for blacks to have a positive emotional bond with the U.S. government?

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Over and over again we are beaten up and killed by police before being blamed in the media of something trivial like “smoking weed.” This is a constant reminder that we are not afforded the rights endowed to even the lowest class of Caucasian. So when we see a (bourgeoisie) black judge hug a white woman who was just convicted of murdering a black man, are we not witnessing the defense mechanism of a black person’s ego under stress? Some may disagree. In a press conference, John Creuzot, the Dallas county district attorney, described the embraces as an “amazing act of healing.” While, on the other hand, Tariq Nasheed, labeled the aftermath of the hearing a “Coon Fest” and accused the entire Jean family of being coons, and Judge Kemp of having a “Mammy Complex.”

Stockholm…or the Mammy Syndrome?



The image of the Black Mammy is one of the most ubiquitous in American history. According to Patricia Morton, author of Disfigured Images: The Historical Assault on Afro-American Women, the black woman in the U.S. has deliberately been labeled with the stereotype of a “natural and permanent slave woman.” In order to justify this fabricated image, these faithful servants have been incorporated into the (white) family unit—albeit in an inferior position. Often described as a “unique type of foster motherhood,” aside from tending to the children, the mammy was also responsible for teaching them proper manners and etiquette. So is this what Judge Kemp was attempting to do? Was she showing us how to behave?

“Bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you…”

             ~Luke 6:28

Stairway to Heaven

Why are Blacks always expected to forgive? We can cite examples for days which illustrate how the ruling class never forgives or forgets: for instance, criminal or driving records, credit scores…all the way to the verdict in the O.J. Simpson trial. So why do we always forgive? While many are aware of biblical scriptures about forgiving others who trespass against us, some may not be familiar with a higher aspect of forgiving: which is forgiving oneself. According to the ancient Egyptians, ascending to this spiritual level was indispensable to enter heaven. 

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However, in this case, heaven is not referring to the “by and by,” or a place with “streets paved of gold,” or having “pearly white gates.” Instead, heaven refers to the “green gateway” known as the Heart Chakra. Entering this gateway leads to the three highest levels, known as the Higher Self. Occultist Brother Panic lectures on how the process of “Self-Deification” can only begin after a person has let go of past grudges. These are the dregs of humanityUsing his own life as an example, Panic illustrates how wiping childhood resentment under the rug inhibits connecting to the Higher Self. Many people still harbor anger at their parents, well into adulthood, for not being the “perfect parents.” Did your father miss your speech contest or concert? Were you the only kid on the block without cable? Or the newest Air Jordans? Panic reminds us that, at some point, we need to relinquish everyone of blame—especially our parents—in regards to whatever faults we might have.


This includes our secret complexes such as guys who lament over having a small penis, or ladies who are convinced they are not curvy enough. Another example, which may hit close to home, is the multitude of middle-aged men with families and careers who have never gotten over striking-out in the big-game, or getting cut from the basketball team. There are others, especially women, who are haunted by their decisions regarding family and other relationships plus their accompanying consequences, such as unwanted children or having an abortion.

How many women secretly burn candles on the birthday of their aborted fetus?

What about you? What’s your hang-up?

It is important to note that Brother Panic stresses that opening the heart chakra is NOT related to “loving your fellow man.” He explains this is just human behavior we learned at school, or from our parents. While he does admit this sentiment radiates from the heart chakra, he emphasizes that true forgiveness is more about forgiving oneself of the human condition. So what does this have to do with Judge Kemp? Like always, that’s for you to decide. Nevertheless, here is what Tariq Nasheed had to say about her:

  “Whenever we target the system of white supremacy to replace it with justice, here come the Boulet like Tammy the Mammy,’ the Negro LGBT, the foreign Coons, and bedwenches…it’s always the same pool of people undermining us!”


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Takuan Amaru is the author of Gaikokujin – The Story.

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